So, why 99designs for custom logo design?

We live and breathe design, and folks think that’s pretty rad.

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4.8/5 star rating

That’s our average rating from 37,533 customer reviews. Happy designers make happy clients.

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100% money-back guarantee

Great design, guaranteed. Love your final design or get your money back. T&Cs apply

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Verified freelance logo designers

Our logo designers are vetted, creative professionals with verified industry experience who take the time to understand your business.

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24/7 design support

Get help when you need it with our support team of real bonafide humans. No question is too small or complex!

How a logo contest works on 99designs

Tell us what you need

Our interactive creative brief is intuitive and simple. Describe your vision for the perfect logo design and then set your budget.

Get dozens of options, unique to your brand

Professional logo designers from all over the world will send you options. You can give quick ratings and feedback to help them improve their submissions.

Choose a winning logo design

Select your favorite logo and we'll transfer the copyright, then send you the files to set you up for digital and print. Easy!

Get a better logo design for less

Use DesignCrowd's creative community to get your perfect logo at a price that fits your budget.

Step 1

Launch your project

Tell us what you need, complete your creative brief in a matter of minutes.

Step 2

Get custom designs

Receive unique logo designs from around the world within hours.

Step 3

Choose the best logo

Select and approve your favorite design and download the files.

Latest blog posts

23 July, 2021

63 Water Logos That Will Splash You With Inspiration

Let your brand identity flow freely with a water logo. We created a list of game-changing water logo ideas that you can use to develop a strong brand identity.

19 July, 2021

50 Ice Cream Logos for a Double Scoop of Inspiration

Let your brand identity flow freely with a water logo. We created a list of game-changing water logo ideas that you can use to develop a strong brand identity.

23 June, 2021

42 Recruitment Logos for Teams and Agencies

Let your brand identity flow freely with a water logo. We created a list of game-changing water logo ideas that you can use to develop a strong brand identity.